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Mission Statement

Our Mission

At our core, we are a preventative health clinic dedicated to providing services to address Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) to pediatric populations in the Sacramento community. We also work towards providing pediatric vaccinations and flu shots as well.


We aim to create a safe, clean, and easily accessible mobile healthcare environment. 


We provide mental and physical health care services with an emphasis on preventive health measures.


With these measures and focuses, we seek to aid in the healthy development of each patient that we serve. Physicians and medical students will give medical examinations and sufficient treatment to each patient.


Undergraduates and Psychiatrists will also provide effective mental health care services to each patient. We seek to educate and treat communities that we serve in the best way possible. 

Preventative Healthcare


Connecting Families


Mental Wellness of Staff

5 Pillars

  1. To provide free mental and physical health care to pediatric populations 

  2. To provide healthcare treatments with an emphasis in preventative health measures 

  3. To provide experience to undergraduate students in health care settings as well as give valuable exposure to medical students 

  4. To be culturally competent and aware of the communities that are being served 

  5. To ensure a safe, clean, and valuable learning environment for all staff and patients

3 Tenets

Preventative Healthcare




Connecting Families




Mental Wellness of Staff

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